
Showing posts from January, 2024

2023 became a good year because of these amazing animes!!!


Tokyo Ghoul | Sui Ishida | Review

  Creator:  Japanese manga artist Sui Ishida was born in Fukuoka, Japan, on December 28, 1986. Sui Ishida His well-known manga work "Tokyo Ghoul," which is renowned for its complex narrative and examination of dark subjects, brought him prominence. Ishida first went undercover as a pseudonym to protect his identity, but he eventually came clean. "Tokyo Ghoul" demonstrated Ishida's skill in fusing psychological drama, fantasy, and horror in his works, and it had a big impact on the manga and anime communities. Review: The compelling anime "Tokyo Ghoul" explores themes of identity, morality, and the struggle for existence in a world where humans and ghouls are at odds with one another. It draws viewers into a dark and complicated narrative. The series, which was created by Sui Ishida, is set in the busy metropolis of Tokyo and centers on the difficult cohabitation of these two species. It is a story filled with tragedy, horror, and deep character develo